Nomu is not your average omakase spot: This new sushi palace was opened in Tsim Sha Tsui by architect and Japanese-food enthusiast Ray Cheng, who designed the restaurant’s interiors to reflect a more fluid, fun-filled approach to counteract the typical meditative, monotone feel of upscale sushi counters. A blue-green backdrop and beechwood gives the restaurant an almost tropical feel, while details from the design of the chairs to the curve of the smooth ceramic tableware contribute to Nomu’s setting of convivial comfort.

Refined modern Japanese eatery Kura opens its elegant doors this month in bustling Causeway Bay. Featuring fresh seafood flown in daily from Tokyo, Kyushu and Hokkaido, the restaurant offers guests two dining experiences, either in the intimate sushi bar or main dining room. Chef KC, who previously worked at Ta-ke, brings sushi lovers a selection of lunch sets starting at $260 and premium dinner omakase experiences starting at $1,180. Menu highlights include steamed abalone with liver sauce and seared fatty tuna.

新派日本料理 魚鮮每天直送

Rest. Coffee. Gin. Three very attractive words for the world-weary, and this West Kowloon newcomer knows it. While the venue is a small trek out from the nearest public transport stops, it’s worth it for the calm oasis that greets you with Victoria Harbour as your reward. The café often hosts live music sessions too, from folksy jams to jazz tunes and blues. Try their espresso tonic (a recent combination was a single origin Kenyan coffee matched with Fevertree elderflower tonic), then move onto the handcrafted gin cocktails.

As more and more people discover the West Kowloon Cultural District, some common questions are overheard: Is there anywhere I can get a quality cup of coffee? Or a cocktail? Preferably with a bite to eat…and a view of the harbour? The newly opened Rest Coffee Gin ticks all the boxes with aplomb. Serving coffee during the day and tea-based cocktails at night, the shop is set directly along the shore, providing rare views and photo opportunities.


Hot Tables

位於尖沙咀的 NOMU,是一間廚師發辦(Omakase)餐廳,店舖面積不大,只有 18 個座位,是店主為了確保每位顧客都能得到充分的照料和關注。除了專注服務之外, NOMU 的食物配搭和擺盤亦獨樹一格,皆因主廚是懷石料理出身,所以在料理當中,融入了懷石料理的元素。餐廳設有午市和晚市,各有三種廚師發辦選擇,其中最特別的是午市的 Create Your Own,隨客人支付 $ 280 以上的金額,師傅就會因應提供菜式。NOMU 在日文是「飲」的意思,所以對於酒類的配搭亦相當有心思。


西九青草地 海邊藍染風咖啡館

最近在灣仔摩利臣山道開業的竜匠燒物料理,單從名字及裝修,大概會以為是一間日本燒物餐廳,仔細一看餐牌,便發現內有乾坤。 大廚Son入行超過十年,曾涉獵不同國家的菜式,喜歡將不同國家風格的食材及煮法融為一體。招牌黑糖椰青燒三元豚,豬肉使用日本三元豚,卻用上做越南椰青豬的方式醃製,再掃上黑糖,入口比一般豬肉多了一陣黑糖香,蘸印度芒果醬吃,讓味道變得更多層次。

位於西九文化區海濱的 Rest Coffee Gin,用上灰與白水泥作主調,裝潢簡約,細節飾以藍染小物:紙杯、杯墊和坐墊等,跟門外的無敵維港海景互相呼應。店舖日頭賣咖啡,入夜後則變身成 gin 酒吧,而且兩者都做得專注,好有個性。

Unassumingly located in an office tower, Nomu serves only 18 people at a time and requires reservations. Slow down, savour the art of Omakase dining, and peruse the extensive Sake menu.

If you’re in the mood for some mighty fine Japanese food, then NOMU in TST will be right up your alley. Indulge in their wonderful omakase menu that features delightful Japanese ingredients or sample their fabulous lunch menu that will have you full in no time.

Intimate NOMU is adding itself to the ever-growing list of omakase restaurants in Tsim Sha Tsui, specialising in sake and seasonal Japanese ingredients.



SpiceBox Organics has introduced an in-store café area to it’s Mid-Levels store. Now you can eat in and enjoy their popular vegan dishes like Vegan Baked Mac & Cheese (HK$60) and The Tempeh Burger (HK$128). You can also do some zero-waste shopping while you’re there and pick up your grains in the package-free zone.


Spicebox有機食材店售賣健康、環保的優質食材,獲得美國USDA National Organic Program認證,於西營盤及堅尼地城都有分店。店家最近位於半山的旗艦店更新增堂食空間,採用有機、可持續發展的食材製作各款健康美食,如純素芝士通粉、黃豆餅漢堡及多款新鮮沙律。另外場內更加設祼買區,有多款精選穀物選擇,如墨西哥黑豆、有機鷹嘴豆及黑綠豆,蛋白質豐富,健康又環保。店內更會定期舉行工作坊,與大家分享烹飪心得。

Quietly opened on the harborfront of West Kowloon Cultural District, Rest Coffee Gin is a cafe-bar hybrid that has a beautiful view. During the day, you’ll find coffee served in handmade ceramic cups, and at night, a collection of curated gin cocktails. Their thick-cut wagyu sandwich is not to be missed.

Part health food store, part cafe, you’ll find organic hearty mains, salad and roti rolls at this K-Town gem (a second location also exists in Mid-Levels). You can also stock up on pantry essentials like organic lentils, grains and beans, spices and herbs, and a sizeable range of hard-to-find gluten-free products.

愈來愈多壽司店做廚師發辦,不過要吃傳統日式風味的推介你一嚐這間餐廳。NOMU 以傳統的方式、親民的模式,向大家重新展現源自江戶時代的日本飲食文化。三個截然不同的廚師發辦體驗,有份量較小卻包含時令食材的嘗味餐單($880),讓你淺嚐餐廳的烹調風格的廚師發辦套餐($1,180);以及沒有完全菜單的選主廚餐桌($1,880)把信任全盤交予專業的主廚,由他親手挑選一系列的時令及高級食材,再依據客人的喜好及口味,在你面前製作每一道佳餚。生熟食材分量比例講求平衡,讓每款食材的美好都顯然易見。餐廳亦借用傳統懷石料理的精緻美感,融合日常生活元素,讓眼前的美饌不但滋味,而且更美觀。

Nestled in a quiet corner of Tsim Sha Tsui, Nomu (meaning ‘to drink’ in Japanese) is an understated 18-seat sushi restaurant notable for its experimental approach to omakase by injecting more transparency and flexibility into the dining format. The straightforward menu offers three options each for lunch and dinner. For lunch, diners can choose from four or six courses, or a ‘Create Your Own’ option for those with budget or dietary restrictions. Meanwhile, the dinner experience is divided into a tasting, prix-fixe, or Chef’s Table omakase course, all of which use highly seasonal ingredients that are elegantly plated before serving, unlike the piece-by-piece style found at more traditional restaurants. While the highly seasonal nature of the menu lends the omakase experience an element of surprise, the Iwate oyster dish and fatty tuna and scallop sashimi were memorable highlights of the Chef’s Table menu. The sake offerings are formidable with over 100 sakes to choose from, while we appreciated the minimalist, Scandinavian-inspired interior designed by former interior designer and owner Ray Cheng.


都市人生活節奏急促,誰不想放假時可以好好放空及休息?位於西九文化區藝街公園的Rest Coffee Gin就正好填補心靈上的空缺。坐落於草地前,更可直望迷人的維港海岸景致,日間可以呷一杯咖啡,夜晚則變身為Gin酒吧,不論日與夜前來,均有不一樣的特色體驗。


位於西九文化區的Rest Coffee Gin唞唞,是城市中的小綠洲,讓繁忙的都市人在海濱草地旁放鬆身心。以日落為界,餐廳既是咖啡店又是酒吧,店主Vincent希望透過高品質的咖啡及Gin Tonic調酒,宣揚慢活的態度。