Karen Ko, On Giving a Voice to Small Businesses
1 DEC 2019

We chatted with the founder of K.Kommunications, Karen Ko, on what motivated her to step outside her comfort zone, find her inspiration and establish her own public relations (PR) company.
Tell us about yourself. What propelled you to start your own business?
I wouldn’t have imagined starting my own business 5 years ago. I thought having a stable job with a stable salary was good enough. After my first job at a multi-national public relations agency, I switched to a boutique PR firm as I wanted to be more hands on with my clients. While working, I found that I wanted to help small businesses who may have overlooked the power of a strategic marketing plan. However, this wasn’t possible as most agencies usually focus on assembling a portfolio of A-list brands and with minimal attention given to lesser-known brands. I have to thank my previous bosses, Coco and Dan, who are also my lifetime role models, because without them I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing now. They showed me the ropes of the trade.

How do you see Hong Kong’s PR scene? And why do you think PR is important for a business?
In the food and beverage (F&B) business where I specialise in, restaurants that are featured in mainstream media are usually brands that already have enough financial power and recognition. Many are Michelin-starred and celebrity chef restaurants. I want to give a voice to smaller restaurants. They may be offering amazing food that no one knows about as they don’t have the marketing budget for the traditional exorbitant fees for advertising. The lack of exposure makes it difficult for small restaurants to compete in this cut throat industry. I think a little push in marketing can help them a lot. Many people confuse Advertising with PR. They think they’re the same, but they’re not - Advertising is saying you’re good. PR is getting other people to say you’re good. In this industry, you can’t always control what might happen to your brand, but you can control how you deal with it. And in the end, that’s all that matters. That’s the power of PR.
“Advertising is saying you’re good.
PR is getting other people to say you’re good.”
Are there any lessons learnt working in the PR industry that has helped you in starting your own company?
Definitely the importance of branding. I’d rather leave no impression than a wrong one. Being in this competitive business, it’s important to make a positive statement and a good impression – which is what excellent PR and branding are all about. After I quit my job, everyone thought I became a freelancer. This was not the case – I immediately registered a company under my name. However, I only told everyone about this a year later, because I felt I wasn’t ready to launch my brand yet. I wanted to give myself enough time to attend to the details, like finding the company name I feel most comfortable with, the best logo that suited my aesthetic for the brand, etc. before I told the world about K.Kommunications.
“I’d rather leave no impression than a wrong one.
It’s important to make a positive statement and a good impression.”

A lot of people aspire to work in the PR industry or start their own company, what are some advice you can give them?
You don’t need a degree in marketing or PR, but you’ve got to have the personality for it, and you have to love what you do. I can’t emphasise this enough - be passionate and put your heart out. Many people think that working in PR is very stressful. I don’t think so, because I enjoy it a lot. As the saying goes, “Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life”. Of course, there has been a lot of hardships in starting my own company, but sometimes what you’re most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free. The key is to know your worth and see the potential in yourself. I think persistence and ambition are important traits to have. It’s definitely not easy to start a business, but as long as you follow through, you can make it happen. And it’s absolutely worth it. It takes huge discipline to be your own boss. I don’t have anyone who keeps tabs on me. I check my email on time, monitor my own progress and communicate with clients responsively. I always have a journal to keep track of my daily schedule and plan for the coming weeks.
What are some misconceptions people have of you?
Many people think that I have a lot of free time just because I’m always on Whatsapp and I post pretty food pictures on Instagram. The truth is: this is all part of the job! While my routine changes every day due to the nature of my job, one thing doesn’t change - I’m always on my phone. It’s my means of keeping in constant communication with clients, media, potential partners, know what’s happening in the industry, research on the latest trends, what foodies are talking about… I want to be there the second my clients message me, as in the world of media, everything changes in a split second. It is sometimes hard to tell my friends that just because I’m on Whatsapp, doesn’t mean I’m not working!

Other passions aside from PR?
I love running marathons and making origami. (Fun fact: I actually have an Instagram page @soookreative dedicated to my origami creations!) I enjoy the process of knowing that I’m closer to my goal one step at a time. Yes, there are frustrations whether it’s in the middle of the run or running a business, but I know I can power through it if I put my mind to it. It’s not about winning, it’s about how far you can reach in the long term.